Guruji also do other Puja
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Kaal Sarp Dosha implies many meanings in Sanskrit, but there is danger and a threat to life associated with the word. Of its many meanings, we can safely conclude that Kaal means time, and Sarp means snake or serpent.
Kaal Sarp Dosh can cast its inauspicious shadow over property, finances and health. If Kaal Sarpa Dosha is not thwarted, its influence makes the simplest of works, the most difficult to perform.
The only way to counter these harmful effects that can ruin your entire life is through Kaal Sarp Yog. It is only by experience that you can be sure of Kaal Sarp Yog benefits.
Practices like not eating outside food for a year, avoiding alcohol and non-vegetarian food – these are the Kaal Sarp Yog effects. Other methods like chanting the mantra of Maha Mrutyunjay and methods like visiting the temple of Lord Shiva, regularly, every Monday are the part of trimbakeshwar kaal sarp puja.
The benefits of yog are well known, hence it is no surprise that performing specific pranayam exercises are certain to come under the section of Kaal Sarp Yog benefits.
Many of you would still like to know – what is Kaal Sarp Yog? Be positive, for once you perform the pranayam; you can be sure about the Kaal Sarp Yog effects – the wonders that is does to the body. Most of you esteemed readers would know that Kaal Sarp Yog is the best remedy against all evil.
All yoga that is there in the world is for the benefit of the human body, supposed to elevate suffering and make the body light with bliss, peace and tranquility. Other rituals involving Kaal Sarp Dosh include the practice of various rituals. These Kaal Sarpa Dosha ceremonies include not in taking food at occasions like child birth, marriage, house - warming ceremony, cradle ceremony and death.
Nashik Trimbakeshwar Pandit Vaibhav Shukla guruji are expert in astrology and palmstry. Guruji are famous of all type of trimbakeshwar temple pooja.
When Rahu is in the first house and Ketu in the seventh house and rest of the planets are left to this axis this yog arises, also called Vipareeta Kalsarpyog. Though this yog has the power to give extra financial gains but it is bad for marital life. Generally a person with this yog gets married late in life and can suffer from anxiety and inferiority complex.
When Rahu occupies the second house and Ketu the eighth house Kulik Kalsarp Yog arises. This combination is bad for health. The probability of losses and accidents is high in people with this combination. It is bad for financial prosperity leading to unstable financial reputation.
When Rahu occupies the third house and Ketu the ninth house and the rest of the planets are located to the left of the Rahu Ketu axis this yog is formed. The person is burdened with problems relating to job or business, blood pressure, sudden death or losses borne because of relatives.
When Rahu occupies the 4th house and Ketu the 10th this yog is Formed. The person gets trouble relating to workspace and has to go through stress and anxiety leading life with hardships. Sometimes the person afflicted has an illegitimate child or is an illegitimate child. However this yog also has the power of conferring high political success and related gains.
When Rahu is in the seventh house and Ketu in the first house this yog is formed. The person has speculative tendencies and can lose wealth by wasting on liqour, women and gambling. There is marital discord in the life of the person.
When Rahu occupies the eighth house and Ketu the second house this yog is formed. The person is short tempered and has many enemies. Such a person has affinity with the anti social elements. The person looses ancestoral wealth. Also sexually transmitted diseases are more prone.
When Rahu occupies the ninth house and Ketu is in the 3rd house this yog operates. People who have this yog in their chart face many ups and downs in life. They speak lies and favour anti religious activities. They are also short tempered and have high blood pressure leading to anxiety.
This yog arises when Rahu is in tenth house and ketu in the fourth house. Litigation problems and punishment by law is possible for dissolute behaviour. However if this yog operates positively it has the capacity to confer the highest forms of political powers.
When Rahu occupies the eleventh house and ketu the fifth house the yog which arises is the Vishdhar Kalsarp Yog. The person travels frequently and is instable. Problems also arise from children or by imprisonment or strifes between brothers. However these persons find peace in the latter half of their life.
When Rahu occupies the twelth house and ketu the sixth house this yog arises. The person has problems relating to litigation, defeat and misfortune. Enemity rises and health problems affect specially the sensory organs.
Call Guruji +91 9604575079You can directly call guruji know trimbakeshwar temple kaal sarp puja dates and trimbakeshwar kaal sarp puja price.
Ved Shashtra Sampanna Acharya Shree Vaibhav Shukla Guruji experts in astrology. You can check your kundali in free.
Guruji also doing other Pujas such as Navchandi home, Havan, Vastushanti, Nakshtra Shanti, kaal Sarp Shanti, Narayan Nabali, Tripindi, Pitru Dosh, Shantik, Siddha Yantra, Murti Pranpratishta, Real Rudraksh, Ganesh Yadnya, Lakshmi Yadnya, Vivah Yog and Putra Prapti, Laksmi Prapti, etc. He is best pandit in trimbakeshwar.
Call +91 9604575079Guruji also do other Puja
Narayan Bali Puja is performed to fulfill and pacify the unsatisfied desires of the dead souls which are trapped in our world that stay with the soul even after death. To get rid of their own pain they trouble their own descendants.
Call +91 9604575079Narayan Nagbali / Tripindi Shraddha vidhi should performed to get rid of Pitru Dosh. Performing these poojas' during the period (5th to 19th September) of Pitrupaksha(पितृ पक्ष) will be more beneficial.
Call +91 9604575079Mahamrutyunjaya Mantra one of the oldest and most significant Mantras in Indian mythology and spirituality. The Maha Mrityunjaya Jaap addresses Lord Shiva.
Call +91 9604575079